No... we didn't go to Cancun, Miami, or Vegas for spring break. That is just not our style.
After months of anxiously waiting we finally got on the road with our bikes, all of our camping gear, and city essentials stuffed in the Ranger. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and we were wearing ear to ear grins. Bliss.
I have more to say than anyone could possibly want to read (we did a lot) so here are a few lessons I brought home with me:
1) Do stop everywhere, it makes the ride a lot longer and that is a good thing.
2) Never stop at a Motel 6, ever. We did, and I held on to my pocket knife all night after reading the dead bolt sign that highly recommended using it (shady). We both woke up the next morning with dry aching throats, compliments of the heater, yep.
3) Where you stay makes a huge difference. Hotel Des Arts totally beat staying at friends places in San Francisco, not that I don't appreciate my friends extending their homes- but this place is some serious bang for the buck (pun might have been intended).
4) The Alembic does drinks right. My attempt at a Jack Rose was put to shame by their bar tender. It's almost sexy watching them make drinks.
5) No matter what you've read, heard, or seen in pictures- it doesn't do Yosemite justice!
6) If you're doing the morning dishes in Yosemite, warm up the water first.
7) Johnny is a man of many talents. Currently held titles: road, grill, and sauce master.
8) Anything tastes good with Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce. The sauce, indeed, is the boss!
I wish I had more time off... and a Jack Rose in hand.
Hope you enjoy Johnny's awesome pictures!
After months of anxiously waiting we finally got on the road with our bikes, all of our camping gear, and city essentials stuffed in the Ranger. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and we were wearing ear to ear grins. Bliss.
I have more to say than anyone could possibly want to read (we did a lot) so here are a few lessons I brought home with me:
1) Do stop everywhere, it makes the ride a lot longer and that is a good thing.
2) Never stop at a Motel 6, ever. We did, and I held on to my pocket knife all night after reading the dead bolt sign that highly recommended using it (shady). We both woke up the next morning with dry aching throats, compliments of the heater, yep.
3) Where you stay makes a huge difference. Hotel Des Arts totally beat staying at friends places in San Francisco, not that I don't appreciate my friends extending their homes- but this place is some serious bang for the buck (pun might have been intended).
4) The Alembic does drinks right. My attempt at a Jack Rose was put to shame by their bar tender. It's almost sexy watching them make drinks.
5) No matter what you've read, heard, or seen in pictures- it doesn't do Yosemite justice!
6) If you're doing the morning dishes in Yosemite, warm up the water first.
7) Johnny is a man of many talents. Currently held titles: road, grill, and sauce master.
8) Anything tastes good with Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce. The sauce, indeed, is the boss!
I wish I had more time off... and a Jack Rose in hand.
Hope you enjoy Johnny's awesome pictures!
Our last day in Yosemite it rained with some hail mixed in.

- Johnny