It all went down in Yosemite (we are fans, indeed). So and Marky came with- which really kept me from thinking he'd propose on the trip (good work, love).

We had a very close encounter with a bear because we arrived really late to the two pines camp ground and over looked a potato and deodorant that ended up astray under a plastic food tray (come to think, it may have carried a scent too!). In a rush- the bear jumped into the truck bed- was driven off by So- on its way out he brushed her tent! Very exciting camping experience...
The next day there was moodiness, sleepiness, and other nonsense going on with me (really I couldn't have thrown any more at Johnny). I suppose I'm pretty lucky he still proposed, but it isn't luck at all- it's some kinda of love (the best kind).
What's next? We'd like a house, definitely a wedding, probably a couple of dogs and maybe a pony for Wolfy boy to play with.